

FAO Action Plan on AMR in food and agriculture

This product is part of a broader series composed by several factsheets about main activities of the AG Department. This factsheet in particular is about Antimicrobial Resistance. It underlines the importance of FAO's Action Plan and its support to governments, [...]

Antimicrobial resistance and our food systems: challenges and solution

FAO is home to a vast reservoir of knowledge, with experts that include food safety specialists, agronomists, veterinarians, lawyers, aquaculture experts, economists, food and feed scientists, and communication practitioners. With its global reach and wide-ranging expertise and track record in [...]

REVIEW of the Literature on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria from Livestock in East, South and Southeast Asia

The aim of this literature review is to inform policy makers of the state of knowledge on AMR and AMU in south, eastern and south-east Asia




考虑到抗生素在所有领域的滥用 ― 人用药剂、兽药、动物生产和植物保护 ― 本文旨在提高养殖场和相关部门对抗生素抗性问题的认识,根据粮农组织《负责任渔业行为守则》,促进对这些药剂的慎重使用。考虑到这个主题会引起公众对健康的关注,影响全世界的人群,工作重点是抗生素的滥用,以及抗性发展随之而来的危害。还考虑了抗生素残留的毒性和过敏效应等方面,抗生物制剂抗性传播机理和环境影响。
