AQUASTAT - FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture


    Area equipped for irrigation is 260 ha [SC01]. The figures refer to year 2003. Sub-national statistics on irrigated area per district added up to 362 ha [SC02] and were downscaled to meet the country-totals. The irrigated area per district estimated that way is visible in the table below and also can be downloaded as Seychelles irrigation areas in PDF or Seychelles irrigation areas in Excel.

    Information on the location of irrigation projects of the country was not available. Since the islands are also very small it was decided to distribute irrigated land equally within the districts.

    The area actually irrigated was 200 ha in year 2003. Groundwater use for irrigation is very exceptional and occurs only in very dry periods when surface water bodies dry out [SC01]. Therefore it was assumed that water use for irrigation is completely from surface water sources.


    [SC01]: FAO. 2005. AQUASTAT country profile Seychelles, FAO, Rome, Italy.
    [SC02]: Talma, W. and Bonne, G. 2001. Farmers on state land. Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources.