FAO in Armenia

Cultivating Change Together: The Story of the "Berd Bean" Women’s Association

Members of "Berd Bean" Women’s Association: From left to right are Anahit Paytyan, Alina Paytyan, Varduhi Melikbekyan. Photo ©FAO

Our story brings us to the picturesque Tavush region of Armenia, nestled in the town of Berd, where a group of women have come together with a shared vision. Much like the beans they cultivate - known for their taste and quality - the bonds between these women are strong and deeply rooted in tradition. The "Berd Bean" Women’s Association is more than just a collective of farmers; it is a symbol of female empowerment and peer support, a community where women lift each other up to grow stronger together.

The women of the association - Alina, Lusine, Anahit, Anna, and Mariam- each bring their unique strengths and experiences to the group. United by a common goal, they are determined to improve their lives and the future of their families through the cultivation and sale of bush beans. The the association was formed within the framework of UNDP-FAO supported “Local Empowerment of Actors for Development” (LEAD)” Programme. Through this initiative with support of FAO, women acquired essential business management and marketing skills, received necessary inputs, participated in networking events enabling them to share knowledge and experiences for mutual benefit. This association formed by the women, represents a safe space where these women can share knowledge, offer encouragement, and work hand in hand to overcome the challenges they face in agriculture.

Empowerment Through Peer Support

Much like the renowned Armenian poet Silva Kaputikyan, who celebrated the strength found in unity, the women of Berd have discovered the power of togetherness. Each member of the association supports the others - whether through shared labor, exchanging expertise, or simply offering a listening ear during difficult times. As they approach their first joint harvest, these women are not only cultivating beans but also nurturing friendships and building a support network that strengthens them both individually and collectively.

Anahit, one of the association’s members, begins her day at 4:30 AM, tending to her fields with the reassurance that she is not alone in her efforts. Alina, Lusine, Anna, and Mariam, though working on their own plots of land, are bound by a common purpose. They know that by relying on each other, they can overcome the fragmented landholdings and manual labor challenges that might otherwise slow them down. It is this strong sense of sisterhood that fuels their resilience and determination to succeed.                                                                       

Overcoming Challenges Together

 The challenges the women face are not theirs to bear alone. As a group, they address the constraints of small production volumes and the labor-intensive nature of bean cultivation. With peer support, they navigate these obstacles, finding creative solutions together. The association allows them to share resources, reduce costs, and build confidence as they prepare for the future. By pooling their strengths and working as a team, the women are breaking down the barriers that have held them back from accessing larger markets.

Their mutual support extends beyond the fields. Together, they have formed agreements with regional supermarkets, and they are exploring options for export as they increase their production. With plans to establish a bean cleaning center, the association is positioning itself to meet market demands, ensuring that their beans are processed, cleaned, and packaged efficiently. These steps forward would not have been possible without the collective determination of the group, a testament to what women can achieve when they work together.

A Shared Vision for Growth

The "Berd Bean" Women’s Association is not just about individual success; it’s about creating opportunities for all women in the region. As they plan to expand their activities, they are committed to bringing more women farmers into their fold. With the support of FAO Armenia and local NGOs, they are building a future where women are key players in the agricultural sector, contributing to both economic growth and community development.

Through their shared vision, the women of Berd are creating a space where women’s voices are heard, their contributions are valued, and their potential is fully realized. This sense of belonging, of knowing that they are part of something bigger, fuels their determination to succeed. Just as the beans they cultivate take root and grow, so too does their confidence and independence.

Together for a Brighter Future

The story of the "Berd Bean" Women’s Association is one of solidarity and mutual support. These women have come together not only to cultivate beans but to build each other up. They understand that their success is intertwined, and by supporting one another, they are creating a brighter future for themselves and their community.

This initiative is a powerful example of how women, when united, can drive change in rural economies. Through their association, they are not only improving their own livelihoods but also inspiring other women in the region to come together and find strength in their shared experiences. Their story is a reminder that when women work together, they can overcome even the most challenging obstacles. With each passing season, the bonds between these women grow stronger, and together, they are building a legacy of resilience, collaboration, and empowerment for future generations of women farmers.