IYAFA 2022 | Adoption of a Small Pelagics Fisheries Management Plan for the Province of Zamboanga del Norte in the Philippines

Dipolog City, 24/11/2022 24/11/2022

The coastal cities and municipalities of Zamboanga del Norte (ZdN) Province in the Philippines joins in the celebration of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022)! During its 3rd Technical Working Group meeting on Fisheries Management on 24-25 November 2022, the 18 LGUs with the Provincial Government toasts a milestone - the adoption of the Small Pelagics Fisheries Management Plan (SPFMP) by the Provincial Development Council last 6 October 2022. The plan is the province's framework strategy document for the sustainable management of its coastal and fisheries resources and lays out interventions to increase resilience of fisheries stakeholders especially small-scale fishers and fisherworkers to the impacts of climate change through ecosystems approach to adaptation. It also contributes to the strategies of Fisheries Management Area 4 and the National Sardines Management Plan. In line with this plan, the 18 LGUs through their Municipal Agriculturists, Fisheries Technicians, Fisherfolk representatives, with the support of their Mayors and local legislative body representatives, are working together on municipal waters delineation, establishment of fisheries alliances, and unifying fisheries ordinances across the province. This exemplary collaboration is in pursuit of Zamboanga del Norte's shared vision: "Sustainable governance of abundant resources in coastal and marine areas of Zamboanga del Norte through responsible management and protection by the government and the people for progressive and resilient livelihoods in accordance with equitable sharing of the bounties from the Creator." This initiative is supported by the FAO-Norad Programme (GCP/GLO/352/NOR) Responsible use of fisheries and aquaculture resources for sustainable development, in cooperation with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), and the Provincial Government of Zamboanga del Norte.