FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

19th Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) Regional Workshop on Review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)

10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018


The development and implementation of international standards on phytosanitary measures (ISPMs) by member countries are part of core context of IPPC for helping countries to implement the WTO SPS agreement. According to the rules and procedure for the development of new ISPMs, draft ISPMs should be reviewed by member countries and regional plant protection organizations to reflect their comments as well as for consolidation prior to final adoption. APPPC has organized the regional workshop since 2000, and it has become persistent standing agenda of APPPC annual work plan adopted by biennium session.

The 19th APPPC Regional Workshop on Review of Draft International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) will be held in Seoul, Rep. of Korea, 10-14 September 2018, with the support from the Department of Plant Quarantine, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA), Republic of Korea. Not only the workshop will review and discuss on the draft ISPMs for the first and second consultations, and other subjects of IPPC and APPPC, but it will also illustrate the latest development of the regional standard of phytosanitary measures (RSPMs).

There will be approximately 31 participants from: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Japan, Lao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Korea Rep. of, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam, one representative from International Seed Federation (ISF), and FAO.


Concept note and agenda

Summary report

Full report