FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

35th Session of Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC)

11/05/2018 - 13/05/2018


APFIC Session is convened every two year. The main objective of the Session is for the Secretariat to report to the APFIC members and observers on major programme activities carried out and the achievement by the Secretariat during the intersessional period and the operation of the Commission. The commission will review the progress and follow up action in each programme area proposed by the Secretariat and endorse them with comments and possible changes.

The APFIC Session will also review and discuss the recommendations from the Regional Consultative Forum Meeting convened prior to the Session and endorse the proposed priority areas of work to support the member countries in addressing the priority issues in the development of fisheries and aquaculture sector during the intersessional period.

For the 35th APFIC Session, the Commission will review the draft 6-year APFIC Strategy (2018-2023) prepared by the Secretariat and endorse the new strategy with comments and suggested revisions. This Session will also discuss how to strengthen the operational capability and financial situation of the Commission with decreasing budgetary support for FAO regular programme towards the commission work. 
