FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

37th Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Hybrid Event, 13/06/2023 - 15/06/2023


The regular Session of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) is convened every two years to review the Commission activities of the APFIC Secretariat, APFIC members and partners on major programme activities during the intersessional period of the Commission.

The 37th APFIC will be convened in Qingdao, China from 13-15 June 2023 and is hosted by the Government of China. The event is by invitation only.

The Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission was established under the APFIC agreement as the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council in 1948 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission is an Article XIV FAO Regional Fishery Body established by FAO at the request of its members. The Secretariat is provided and supported by FAO. APFIC has a more than 70-year history and is one of the longest established regional fishery bodies (or RFBs). 

Related links:

APFIC working and information documents - https://www.fao.org/apfic/events/en/

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture - https://www.fao.org/fishery/en/home