FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

7th Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission (APFIC) Regional Consultative Forum Meeting on Sustainable Development for Resilient Blue Growth of Fisheries and Aquaculture

07/05/2018 - 09/05/2018


APFIC Regional Consultative Forum Meeting is the only forum for all APIFC members and international and regional organizations who play important roles in fisheries and aquaculture sectoral development in Asia-Pacific region to meet and discuss important agendas and issues pertaining to the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture in the region and to recommend relevant strategy and actions to APFIC members and international and regional organizations.

The 7th APFIC RCFM includes a number of important regional agendas, which include i) Improvements in fisheries and aquaculture governance; ii) Innovative aquaculture and fisheries production and management systems and practices for more efficient and sustainable production; iii) Building resilience of fisheries and aquaculture systems in the Asia-Pacific region, and iv) Gender-sensitive and inclusive fisheries and aquaculture value chains.

Following the extensive sharing of perspectives, efforts and progress by the participating countries and organizations on different agenda items, this RCFM is expected to discuss and recommend specific strategy and actions for the 35th APFIC Session to consider and endorse.
