FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Antimicrobial resistance is simple to understand, yet it is often misunderstood

Hybrid Event, 24/02/2021

Concept note and programme 

Antimicrobial resistance is simple to understand, yet it is often misunderstood. Because antimicrobial resistance has no single solution, it must be fought on many fronts. This webinar seeks to raise awareness, share experiences and knowledge on AMR in aquaculture – where use of antimicrobials has been increasing – to better understand the challenges and help boost the global effort to lessen the use of antimicrobials.  The race to do so is urgent. Consider 700 000 are killed every year by drug-resistant infection and the cost in terms of increased resistance is borne by society as a whole. FAO experts will give an update on the global work to address AMR in aquaculture and an overview on AMR in the Asia-Pacific region.  Experts from China and India will share country experience on mitigation of AMR.  An expert from NACA, a regional IGO, will describe the gaps and challenges, and outline policy recommendations on mitigating AMR and promoting the prudent use of antimicrobials. This webinar will also explore ways to improve governance and enhance support to national action plans on AMR under the One Health approach.


Date:  24 February 2021

Time:   1400 hrs (Bangkok Time Zone, GMT/UTC +7 hours)

Tipparat Pongthanapanich, FAORAP Bangkok
Bin Hao, FAO Rome 

Resource persons & Presentations



Tipparat Pongthanapanich

Introduction to the Webinar



Melba Reantaso
FAO, Rome

Global perspective



Weimin Miao
FAO, Rome

Regional overview and key issues



Aihua Li
Institute of Hydrobiology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan

AMR and AMU experience from China



Iddya Karunasagar
Nitte University, Mangalore

AMR and AMU experience from India



Eduardo Leaño
NACA, Bangkok

Gaps, challenges and policy recommendations on mitigating AMR risk and promoting prudent AMU in aquaculture




