FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Asia Pacific Regional Food Systems Dialogue

Hybrid Event, 10/06/2021


The Asia Pacific regional food systems dialogue is being organized in preparation of the Global Food Systems Summit. It will provide insights from the national dialogues that are currently being convened on the five action tracks,  and identify opportunities for regional and sub-regional collaboration.  It sill also consider cross-cutting issues such as digitization, data, urban agriculture, and women  and other vulnerable groups that have emerged as priority areas for action during the recent Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development. 

A diverse range of stakeholders is expected to participate in order to consolidate regional views, perspectives and experiences regarding pathways and actions for equitable and sustainable food systems transformation to achieve healthy diets for all people in Asia and the Pacific and support the implementation of the SDGs within the context of current realities. 

The registration link will be active till midnight (Bangkok time), Tuesday, 8 June 2021 below. The event will be held on the Zoom platform.

https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2zWeD09UYE-     9zF6kFubccCOaINwB13NMvdX0b8POeidUQThFNklCUU1XQlMwVEJZMlhXSjhVSkhMVC4u


13:30-14:00         Welcome and opening (30 min)

Ms Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of ESCAP

Mr Jongjin Kim, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, FAO RAP

Special address : Dr. Agnes Kalibata, Special Envoy for 2021 Food Systems Summit

14:00-15:00         Round 1 : Message form the countries (60 min)

What are the priority action areas to transform the food systems in A/P along the five action tracks identified for the 2021 Food Systems Summit?

Moderator : Dr David Nabarro

Senior Advisor to the Food Systems Summit Dialogues

  • Moderated panel discussion with national dialogue conveyors or their representative.
  • Highlights of the national dialogues; what is the buy-in of stakeholders; what is the significance of each Action Track to countries/sub regions
  • Moderated discussion on the regional issues that emerge (e.g. multiple burdens of malnutrition; climate and pollution issues that cross borders; circular economies etc.)
  • Recommendations on developing sub-regional/regional co-operative approaches through the UN, regional bodies etc.

15:00-16:00         Round 2 : Opportunities for regional action (60 min)

What are some cross-cutting areas to accelerate the five action tracks at regional level, including digitization, Data collection, and improved surveillance to monitor nutrition, food security, and livelihood indicators, urban agriculture, social protection systems, and increased access of women.

Representatives from global and regional organizations representing a mix of government, civil society, private sector, international organization

  • What are major issues that are possibly being missed in the conversation
  • Will we go back to ‘business as before change to ‘building back greener and better’ with the solutions discussed during the APFSD SDG2 roundtables

16:00-16:15         Closing (15 min)

Mr John Aylieff, Regional Director, WFP Regional Bureau for Aisa and Pacific

Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia