FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Characteristics and performance of co-management in Asia

Hybrid Event, 08/04/2021

Time:  1400 hrs (Bangkok time) 

This webinar provides the opportunity to discuss the research findings of a joint FAO-WorldFish publication on co-management experiences in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Philippines and Sri Lanka. In the session, we will also hear different perspectives on the challenges and opportunities co-management presents as a key approach for managing small-scale fisheries.

Moderator: Susana Siar, FAO/APFIC Secretariat

Resource persons & Presentations

Susana Siar, FAO/APFIC Secretariat

Welcome and introduction to the webinar

Philippa Cohen, WorldFish
Highlight of the FAO-WorldFish publication, Characteristics and performance of fisheries co-management in Asia

Kaing Khim, Deputy Director General of the Fisheries Administration (FiA), Cambodia
The performance of small-scale fisheries co-management in Cambodia

Sebastian Mathew, Executive Trustee, International Collective in Support of Fishworkers
Perspective from civil society organization

John Kurien, Visiting Professor, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, India
Reflections on fisheries co-management

Q & A

Lena Westlund, FAO
Ideas for way forward

Caka Awal, Coordinator for Multilateral Affairs of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Counsellor), Rome, Italy

Intervention on International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 


FAO/APFIC Secretariat
