FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Climate-resilient and Eco-friendly Water Management Practices in Rural Areas: Sharing Experience from China

Hybrid Event, 05/07/2022


In line with FAO’s new corporate Strategic Framework and its “Four Betters”, a new South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) Guidelines and Action Plan (2022-2025) is developed in 2021 to scale up SSTC. Under FAO’s SSTC programme, China is a key provider of resources and expertise through the $130 million FAO-China SSC Trust Fund in three phases. RAP has been identified as one of the prioritized regions to implement the SSTC. According to the Action Plan for SSTC in the RAP, one priority in line with the Regional Initiative is knowledge sharing and learning on transforming agri-food systems for sustainable production; and climate change and enhancement of sustainable management and use of natural resources.   

UNICEF is committed to water security and climate resilient WASH through the Strategic Plan 2022-2025, stressing Leaving No One Behind, and the “whole SDG 6 approach” to break silos by working together with other UN agencies, UN-Water and development partners towards the targets of this area. Concurrently, UNICEF China has identified water and sanitation as one priority area for horizontal cooperation and knowledge sharing between China and other developing countries.

Tentative agenda  

Time duration: 15:00-16:30 Beijing time (14:00-15:30 Bangkok time; 9:00-10:30 Rome time) 

10 minutes

Opening remarks and framing presentation

-          Mr. Shi Jiaoqun, Senior Advisor for SSTC, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP)

-          Moderator: Mr. Arun Nair, OIC Public Partnerships, UNICEF China


35 minutes



-          Moderator: Mr. Arun Nair, OIC Public Partnerships, UNICEF China


       10 minutes

Application of Solar-Powered Water Systems in China and globally


-          Mr. Lin Ning, Division Director, HRC, MWR


       10 minutes

Recycled use of agricultural and sanitation wastewater in rural areas


-          Mr. Ding Jingtao, Deputy Director, Institute of Rural Energy and Environment, AAPE, MARA

       10 minutes

Dayu Irrigation: Water-saving irrigation and micro water use at farming households in China and developing countries


-          Mr. Fu Shuai, Deputy General Manager, Dayu Irrigation Group Co., Ltd

       5 minutes




   40 minutes

Panel discussion:  Forming Synergy on Solar-Powered Water Systems and Wastewater Recycle for Rural Communities

-          For your country, what are the biggest challenges for resilient/eco water-agrofood systems in rural areas in the context of climate change?

-          What do you think are the technologies, solutions and partnership models needed in (domestic, agro, sanitary waste) water resources management and services provision to resolve such challenges?

-          What are suggestions for stakeholder engagement/contributions on the part of your organization?


-          Moderator: Ms. Hang ThiThanh Pham, Senior Resilience Officer, FAORAP



-          Ms. Li He, Natural Resources Officer, FAORAP

-          Ms. Brooke Yamakoshi, WASH Specialist, UNICEF EAPRO

-          Mr. Wang Shuo, Senior Engineer, China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, MWR

-          Mr. Chanthaphone PANYATHONG, Director, Ministry of Energy, Lao PDR (TBC)

-          Dr. Zhang Wenhai, Senior Engineer, Lancang Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Centre

    5 minutes

Closing remarks and suggestions for next steps

-          Ms. Silvia Gaya, Regional Advisor for WASH, Climate & Environment, UNICEF EAPRO