FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Global Workshop on Impact Assessment and Monitoring and Evaluation of Farmer Field School Programmes

17/09/2018 - 20/09/2018


FAO and the Thai Education Foundation are organizing a workshop on Impact Assessment and M&E of FFS programmes from September 17-20 in the Sukosol hotel in Bangkok. FFS practitioners with experience on impact assessment will gather in Bangkok, sharing experiences and ideas on M&E. Participants, all with substantial FFS implementation experience, are from different regions: Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Near East, representing different institutions, including government agencies, FAO, NGOs and Research organizations.  The meeting will review the ongoing global synthesis of  FFS impacts which is being carried out by Wageningen University under a Letter of Agreement with FAO. Participants will review the framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of FFS programmes, which can be applied to diverse contexts. They will discuss and identify appropriate tools and methods to assess different types of impacts of FFS activities. 


Draft programme

September 17

Field visit

  • Prathumtani: Visit an FFS by Non Formal Education (NFE); Visit Banana farmers and Japanese exporter; visit the school program of Thai Education
  • Ayyuthaya: Visit Young Smart Farmers; Visit Ancient city

Return to Bangkok


September 18

  • Sharing experiences on FFS programmes, main impacts in different parts of the world
  • Feedback on Field visit on day 1
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of FFS programmes: defining main areas of impacts, main tools used to measure impacts. Group work

September 19

  • Elaboration of different areas of impact and tools used – defining M&E toolbox, analysis of different tools being used
  • Discussion – what should each FFS programme put in place for efficient M&E? what information and tools are essential?
  • Synthesis of discussions on M&E
  • Action points on how to strengthen M&E frameworks in different programmes


September 20

Review of the global synthesis study on FFS

  • Presentation of the study by Henk van den Berg
  • General feedback
  • Group work to provide detailed feedback on different sections
  • Plenary, next steps to finalize global synthesis

Open discussion, exchange

Wrap up of the workshop