FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Inception Workshop, project TCP/RAS/3705: Scaling-up agroforestry in the ASEAN region for food security and environmental benefits


ASEAN has put a strong emphasis on the role of agroforestry in addressing food security and environmental degradation. Agroforestry is an integrated approach that combines various agricultural, forestry, fisheries and livestock practices — as determined by contexts — at farm and landscape scales. The ASEAN Guidelines on Agroforestry Development has been  adopted by the 40thASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) to guide member states in developing agroforestry programs, policies and investments. FAO has been collaborating and supporting ASEAN Member States (AMS) to build their capacity for agroforestry through technical assistances. Based on the request of the AMS, FAO has agreed to provide technical support to further enhance adoption and scaling up of agroforestry in AMS. The inception workshop will mark the beginning of FAO technical support to AMS on ‘Scaling up agroforestry in the ASEAN region for food security and environmental benefits’.
