FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Innovating for a Sustainable Future: youth and community-led climate actions for resilient food systems

Hybrid Event, 31/08/2023

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific will host a regional event on 31 August 2023 in the lead up to FAO’s Science and Innovation Forum (SIF) to be held in October this year.

The Science and Innovation Forum Regional Event for Asia-Pacific titled Innovating for a Sustainable Future: Youth and community-led climate actions for resilient food systems”will bring together leaders and innovators who are driving local solutions to tackle climate change challenges in their countries. Encouraging and supporting youth-led and community-led initiatives in Asia-Pacific that focus on scientific and innovative approaches is imperative for transformative change and sustainable development. Highlighting their work and creating awareness will inspire others and may draw much needed support in the form of investments and partnership.

The Asia-Pacific SIF Regional Event is a 90-minute in-person panel discussion that will be held at the 8th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) occurring during 30 August-1 September in Incheon, Korea. The APAN Forum is Asia-Pacific’s largest gathering of climate change adaptation practitioners and a primary regional platform to develop inputs for UNFCCC COPs and other global convenings.

Why does it matter?

According to the UN, a person living in Asia and the Pacific is six times more likely to be affected by climate-related disaster events than someone living outside of the region. Floods, droughts and the rise and fall of temperatures often make the headlines in the Asia-Pacific region, which is home to 60 percent of the world’s population – some 4.3 billion people. The region also contains a large number of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) that bear the brunt of the effects of climate change on their fragile economies.

However, Asia-Pacific is home to 60 percent of young people in the world, making it the most youthful region with more than 1.1 billion young women and men aged 15 to 29. The region is also home to the largest number of indigenous people with 70 percent of the 370 million Indigenous Peoples worldwide. In many of the region’s countries, women make up the majority of farmers, agricultural workers and food producers. Harnessing the power and potential of youth, women and indigenous communities is crucial for food systems transformation.

Regional SIF Event will:

  1. Explore – Increasing awareness about ongoing and future climate-related challenges to agrifood systems in the Asia-Pacific region, and the impacts on youth, women and indigenous communities. It will also enhance understanding of the role science and innovation can play to address climate risks and to manage trade-offs in encouraging agricultural production and boosting rural incomes while also protecting the environment.
  2. Inspire action – Showcasing the role of youth, women and indigenous communities in driving innovative technologies and solutions for climate resilient food systems, such as climate-smart agriculture, sustainable food production and processing, digital solutions, data-driven decision-making, and community mobilization. Sharing success stories and experiences of young people, women and indigenous communities to inspire/motivate audiences to take small steps that can yield long-term benefits for people and the planet.  
  3. Empower – Identifying challenges and opportunities for integrating science and innovation to address current and future climate change risks. Using success stories on innovations shared by the panelists to highlight the capacities, investments and partnerships needed to foster and scale climate actions in the region. Sharing practical tools, resources and capacity-building programmes offered by FAO and partners to empower youth and vulnerable communities to take climate actions.

Speakers and Panelists

Opening remarks: Beau Damen - Natural Resources Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Keynote Speaker: Ismahane Elouafi - FAO Chief Scientist


  1. Joko Tri Rubiyanto - World Food Forum Champion and Youth Policy Board member from Indonesia
  2. Gantuya Jargalsaikhan and Dashlkhundev Nayamdagva - Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and representatives of “Team Splicing,” Mongolia
  3. Suman Ghimire - CEO and Founder, Seed Innovations, Nepal
  4. Myron Mendes - National Facilitator, Indian Network on Ethics and Climate Change
  5. Anika Molesworth - 2015 Young Farmer of the Year and 2022 Young Conservationist of the Year, Australia
  6. Maria Elena Rebagay - Senior Program Manager, Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development


Related Links

FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023

World Food Forum 2023