FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Multispecies Stock assessment for management

Hybrid Event, 10/03/2021

Time:  1400 hrs (GMT/UTC +7)

This webinar session looks at stock assessment and why it makes sense for Asian countries. It is intended to show the value of stock assessment and how it links into broader aspects of management decision making as well as policy/trade. The webinar will look at regional examples of how stock assessments have been done in data poor situations in multi-species, multi gear fisheries. It will also look at how countries have used assessments to develop policy and management decisions.  There will also be a session on the interlinkages between stock assessment and trade, with some examples involving trade agreements, SDGs, IUU and WTO. Finally, there will be a discussion on priorities and needs for a regional programme for capacity building.


Simon Funge-Smith (APFIC/FAORAP)

Resource persons & Presentations


Simon Funge-Smith (APFIC/FAORAP)
Introduction to the webinar


Beth Fulton, CSIRO
Showcasing data-poor fishery assessments


Q & A


Nipa Kulanjuree, DOF, Thailand
Thailand’s experience with an MMSY assessment method and use of results as a reference point for fishing effort control


Q & A


Derek Staples, Consultant
Thailand’s experience with an MMSY assessment method. Indications of changes in stocks that have occurred since 2015


Q & A


Rishi Sharma, FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Division, Rome
Approaches in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Indonesia


Q & A


Duncan Leadbitter, Consultant
What to do with assessment outputs: what managers and stakeholders want from their fishery


Q & A


Marcio Castro De Souza, FAO Fishery and Aquaculture Division, Rome
The interlinkages between stock assessment and trade: Some examples involving trade agreements, SDGs, IUU and WTO


Q & A

What would a regional capacity building programme look like?


Q & A


Registration:  http://infofish.org/APFIC/index.php/multispecies-stock-assessment-for-management