FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

My-Coast: Ecosystem-Based Conservation of Myanmar's Southern Coastal Zone

03/04/2019 - 04/04/2019


Myanmar has a relatively large and still productive and ecologically intact coastal zone.  The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) for Myanmar (Government of Myanmar, 2011) highlights the fact that the country hosts an enormously rich and varied biodiversity. Mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass beds, sandy beaches and intertidal mudflats are widely distributed.  Myanmar is home to the Irrawaddy Dolphin, the Sea Cow, five species of marine turtle, and many Globally Threatened waterbird species (e.g.,Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Indian Skimmer and Nordmann’s Greenshank). The project will focus primarily upon the Tanintharyi Region and the Myeik Archipelago, but with potential for project activities to contribute to improved coastal zone management throughout the country.


Concept Note
