FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

National Training Workshop on SDG Food Security Indicators particularly on Prevalence of moderate and severe food insecurity based on Food Insecurity Experience Scale

11/12/2019 - 13/12/2019

FAO Regional office formulated a regional project namely ‘TCP/RAS/3618: Strengthening the capacity for monitoring Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 and 12’ in  twelve countries of the Asia Pacific countries. The Republic of South Korea is one of the beneficiary/targeted countries of under said project to provide details on two SDG indicators of access dimension of food security. The indicator 2.1.1 - PoU is an estimate of the proportion of the population whose habitual food consumption is insufficient to provide the dietary energy levels that are required to maintain a normal active and healthy life. The indicator 2.1.2-FIES provides internationally comparable estimates of the proportion of the population facing moderate or severe difficulties in accessing food.

Concept Note and Agenda