FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

REDD+ Forest Reference Level (FRL) Capacity Building Workshop for Thailand

21/11/2018 - 23/11/2018



1) Provide information on international guidance that has been provided on designing and constructing REDD+ FRLs (focusing on guidance from the UNFCCC);
2) Discuss key elements critical to development of REDD+ FRLs and begin consideration of what may be appropriate for design of a FRL in Thailand including:

a. Forest definition: What is the current definition of forest used in Thailand?
b. Scope: What activities, pools and gases to include in a FRL?
c. Data analysis: Assessment of existing data on historic forest cover and change; capacity to assess current and future emissions
d. Structure: What are options for FRL methodologies?
e. Scale: National, subnational and/or nested?

3) Provide examples of how other countries are designing FRLs;
4) Begin to identify data and capacity gaps that are needed in order to establish a FRL in Thailand;
5) Construct a FRL roadmap for Thailand to prescribe follow up activities.

Concept note and agenda