FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Regional Conference on Strengthening Resilient Food and Agriculture Systems – Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Agriculture Sector in Asia and the Pacific

15/03/2018 - 16/03/2018



Regional Conference

"Strengthening resilient food and agriculture systems – 
Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Agriculture Sector in Asia and the Pacific”

Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Viet Nam

Date: 15 - 16 March 2018
Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam


The Conference expects the Minister of Disaster Management and Relief of Bangladesh, Deputy Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and Deputy Chief of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) of Mongolia, the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia and several Deputy and Assistant Secretaries and Under-Secretaries from other countries. More than 100 participants from governments, academia, NGOs, UN organizations from countries in Asia as well as other regions have registered to participate in the Conference.

The deadline for registration is 8th March 2018 while it is 1st March for those requiring visa support. Copies of passport are urgently required for registered participants who would need an entry visa for Viet Nam. The deadline for hotel reservation is also 8th March 2018 for those wishing to avail the special conference rates at the hotels mentioned in the hotel reservation form, provided as Annex of the Information Note at this link.

The global launch of the FAO report ‘2017 – The Impact of Disasters and Crises on Agriculture’ will be inaugurated by the ministers, deputy ministers co-chairing this conference, along with the regional chiefs of FAO and UNISDR in the opening plenary of the conference. This FAO global report, part of FAO’s commitment to take forward the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR, analyses the impact of natural hazards’ induced disasters, food chain crises and conflicts on the agriculture sectors (crop, livestock, fishery-aquaculture, and forestry) and provides an insight into the changing nature of risks to the same.

Conference Plan: Spread over 2 days and 10 sessions this conference aims to evolve a shared understanding on the changing nature of risks to the agriculture sectors in Asia and the Pacific, raise awareness about important role of agriculture sectors in reducing risks and strengthening resilience and identify priority actions and the ways forward for the agriculture sectors to proactively implement the four priority areas of the SFDRR and the 2030 Agenda. The Conference outcomes will be in the form of a set of recommendations on policies, programmes and priority actions by the agriculture sectors to implement SFDRR and the 2030 Agenda especially towards achieving food and nutrition security and resilience of agriculture and dependent livelihoods in the region. The identified priorities and recommendations of the Conference will inform the deliberations at the 2018 FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Conference as well as the 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR), hosted by the Government of Mongolia in July 2018 and taken forward for implementation.

Concept notes:

Concept notes of the three Plenary sessions
Parallel session 1 – Crop
Parallel session 2 – Fisheries
Parallel session 3 – Livestock
Parallel session 4 - Forestry
Parallel session 5 – Science and Technology
Parallel session 6 – Risk financing
Parallel session 7 – Agriculture and Rural for Resilient Urbanization