FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Regional Expert Consultation Workshops on Transforming towards Resilient, Sustainable, Profitable, and Inclusive Rice-Based Agri-Food Systems in Asia

Hybrid Event, 15/06/2022


Rice ratooning is not a new practice with farmers. It has been successfully adopted in many countries including China, India, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, USA, Brazil, and Colombia. However, the adoption of traditional ratoon rice with the first crop harvested manually has been limited due to labor shortage as well as low and unstable grain yield in ratoon crop. The challenge, therefore, is to develop rice ratooning technology with the main crop harvested mechanically for the sustainable development of ratoon rice.

15 June 2022 (Bangkok Time, GMT+7)

Opening session (Moderator: Dr. Bo Zhou, FAO-RAP)


Opening remarks


Dr. Zhaohu Li, president of Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU)


Keynote speech

Dr. Shaobing Peng, Professor, HZAU


Group photo, housekeeping, and ground rules

Technical session I: Status and prospective of ratoon rice for sustainable rice-based agri-food systems (Moderator: Dr. Shaobing Peng)


Crop management and mechanization 

Variety, post-harvest, and grain quality 


Socioeconomic and environmental study in ratoon rice


Ratoon rice cropping systems in SE Asia

Dr. Xuhua Zhong (GDAAS) 


Dr. Lloyd T. Wilson (Texas A&M U.)


 Dr. Lu Zhang (HZAU)



 Dr. Nurwulan Agustiani (IAARD)


Tea break

Technical session II: Country perspective (Moderator: Dr. Bo Zhou)


Country’s report

Representatives from different countries

Panel discussion (Moderator: Dr. Shaobing Peng)


Challenge and opportunity of ratoon rice in promoting sustainability of rice farming system



Synthesis and closing

Dr. Shaobing Peng