FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Side Event | Sharing Innovative Solutions and Best Practices on Special Agricultural Products Development: One Country One Priority Product in Asia and the Pacific

Hybrid Event, 06/10/2022

13:30 - 14:30 hrs. (Bangkok Time) 


The Global Action on One Country One Piority Product (OCOP), which was announced globally by FAO Director General in 2021, will support countries in their efforts to transform national agrifood systems towards more resilience, sustainability, inclusiveness and efficiency. The country-led approach of the initiative relies on developing the value chains for special agricultural products (SAPs) with unique quality and untapped potential for production and market growth. The interventions will aim to support small and family farmers’ access to high value markets, generate income for communities with a focus on women and youth, optimize the use of natural resources and energy, and improve the nutrition and food security of the population. OCOP aims to optimize production and market systems of SAPs, minimize post-harvest losses and food waste, maximize climate adaptation and use of the climate smart technologies, and increase their direct or indirect contribution in improving nutrition and food security.

Objectives of the Side Event

  • Showcase on successful experiences in sustainable development of Special Agricultural Products in Asia-Pacific.
  • Demonstrate the varieties of SAPs and the effectiveness of innovative approaches for SAPs
  • Strengthen partnership on OCOP.

Register for virtual attendance

Contact person: Ms Li Zixi





3 min

Opening and welcoming remarks

Dr. Jingyuan Xia, Director, Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO Headquarters

10 min

Presentation on One Country One Priority Product: Millets in India

Mrs Shubha Thakur, Joint Secretary (Crops), Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, India

10 min

Presentation and demonstration on Geographical Indications in Thailand: from Zero to Hero

Mr Vuttikrai Leewiraphan, Director General, Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand (tbc)

10 min

Presentation on One Commune One Product in Vietnam

Dr. Dang Quy Nhan, Deputy head of Division, Division of One Commune One Product, National Coordination Office of the National Target Program on New Rural Development, Vietnam

8 min

Presentation on International Year of Pulses and innovative solutions on SAPs development

Prof. Kadambot Siddique, Hackett Professor of Agriculture Chair and Director, Institute of Agriculture at the University of Western Australia; FAO Special Ambassador on International Year of Pulses, Australia

8 min

Presentation on Geographical Indications Environment Sustainability: a methodology to identify and develop SAPs for improved sustainability and income generation

Prof. Chuang Liu, Director of Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository (GCdataPR), World Data System; Professor of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

8 min

Presentation on local brands development strategy and success stories on GIAHS case in Republic of Korea

Prof. Taeyoon Kim, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology / Director of center for International Agricultural Development, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

3 min

Closing remarks

Mr Takayuki Hagiwara, Regional Programme Leader, FAO RAP