FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Terminal workshop “Support mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance risk associated with aquaculture in Asia”- TCP/RAS/3702

Hybrid Event, 23/11/2021 - 24/11/2021


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been a topic of great concern globally and this has been highlighted in the declaration of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. FAO Action Plan on AMR addresses four major focus areas: (1) improve awareness on AMR and related threats, (2) develop capacity for surveillance and monitoring of antimicrobial use (AMU) and AMR, (3) strengthen governance related to AMU and AMR and (4) promote good practices in food and agriculture systems and prudent use of antimicrobials. Aquaculture is a major contributor to global fish production and there is a need to increase fish production through aquaculture to meet the growing global demand for this nutritious food. But disease problems are a major constraint for aquaculture and this has led to antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in this sector. Further, aquatic environment could receive AMR from other sectors such as medical and livestock through discharge water and other pathways. Thus aquatic environment could be a reservoir of AMR.


Day 1: Review of project outputs and sharing of experiences

Tuesday 23 November 2021, 14.00-17.00 (Bangkok time, GMT+7) 

1400-1410   Opening remarks

1410-1420   Background of the project and overview by FAORAP

1420-1430   Zoom guidelines and group photo by INFOFISH

1430-1500   Country presentation: India by Gaurav Rathore, ICAR-NBFGR, [email protected]

  • AMU report in aquaculture
  • AMR profile of two bacterial species of aquaculture
  • Report on Training programme on phenotypic and molecular methods of detection of AMR
  • Good aquaculture practices to minimize AMR risks in freshwater aquaculture
  • Guidelines on prudent use of antimicrobials in aquaculture
  • National Action Plan on AMR in aquaculture

1500-1530   Country presentation: Indonesia by Mukti Sri Hastuti, National Consultant, FAO Indonesia, [email protected]

  • Baseline survey report on AMR and AMU
  • Field demonstration result of prudent use on AMR in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Review of National Action Plan on AMR in Indonesia (gap analysis)   

1530-1600   Country presentation: Viet Nam by Bui Thi Viet Hang, Division of Aquatic Health Management, Department of Animal Health, [email protected] and Nguyen Vu Mai Anh, Department of Aquaculture, Directorate of Fisheries, [email protected]

  • AMR surveillance piloting and analysis
  • Development of the VietGAP shrimp farm model
  • Review and update of the AMR National Action Plan
  • Challenges and recommendations

1600-1630   Review and feedback by experts by Iddya Karunasagar, Nitte University, India, [email protected]

1630-1700   Discussion and Q&A 

Day 2: International experiences and regional strategies

Wednesday 24 November 2021, 14.00-17.00 (Bangkok time, GMT+7) 

1400-1410   Racap of Day 1

1410-1430   Mitigating AMR: experiences from Norway by Edgar Brun, Department of Aquatic Animal Health and Welfare, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway, [email protected]

1430-1450   Mitigating AMR: experiences from Europe by Mathias Middelboe, Marine Biological Section, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, [email protected]

1450-1510   Mitigating AMR: experiences from China by Aihua Li,Aquatic Animal Health, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, [email protected]

1510-1530   Innovations towards reduction of antimicrobial use in aquaculture by Krishna R. Salin, [email protected] and Ruth Garcia Gomez, [email protected], Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand

1530-1540   Guidelines for group exercises by Iddya Karunasagar and INFOFISH

1540-1620   Group exercises:  challenges, opportunities and strategies of mitigating AMR and promoting responsible AMU and alternatives – group facilitators and presenters will be identified by the participating countries.

1620-1650   Group presentations and Q&A

1650-1700   Conclusion, closing remarks and group photos 


  • Iddya Karunasagar, Nitte University
  • Tipparat Pongthanapanich, FAORAP
  • Bin Hao, FAO Rome
  • Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy, INFOFISH
