FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multi-sectoral Collaboration at the Animal-Human-Ecosystems interface

09/04/2019 - 11/04/2019


The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multi-sectoral Collaboration at the Animal-Human-Ecosystems interface will give opportunities to reflect on achievements made as well as lessons learned through multi-sectoral collaboration on One Health perspectives beyond infectious diseases at country and regional levels. The workshop will also touch on how multi-sectoral collaboration could be utilised to address other relevant public health concerns. Tripartite are developing global strategies and tools to ensure a consistent, harmonised approach throughout the world, and to better coordinate human-animal-environmental health policies at the national, regional and global level. Therefore, the workshop will not only deliver messages on focused area, but expand towards horizontal topics such as strengthening health system as well as topics beyond infectious diseases. It will also look into what sustainable multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms are promoted/setup at the regional and country levels.


1. Provide an update of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases and other public health threats at global, regional and country levels 

2. Review progress made and challenges encountered in terms of multi-sectoral coordination, including information sharing, coordinated response and risk reduction, at regional and country levels

3. Make recommendations on further improve coordinated action at animal-human-ecosystems interface among different sectors


Concept Note and Agenda