FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

The FAO-China South-South Cooperation Project on Transboundary Animal Disease Control in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region : 2021 Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Safer Cattle Trade

Hybrid Event, 10/08/2021 - 11/08/2021


As a response to the disease threats associated with livestock trade, the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Project onTransboundary Animal Disease Control in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (SSC project)was launched in September 2018 to reduce the risk of introduction and impacts of TADs in the GMS. In particular, Output 2 of the SSC project is dedicated to improving animal disease risk management along the cross-border value chains, with a focus on cattle trade and FMD control. As part of the project activities, a Technical Working Group (TWG) on Safer Cattle Trade was established to advise the Project Steering Committee (PSC) on activities planned based on the evolving situation and priorities of countries.

In alignment with the 2021 work plan of the SSC project, the 2021 Meeting of the TWG on Safer Cattle Trade will be held during 10 - 11August 2021 in virtual format in view of the current situation of COVID-19 and its related control measures. The first day of the meeting (10 August) will be dedicated to the disemination and discussion of the results of the assessment phase of output 2 of the project and will be open to other development partners. The second day (11 August) will be dedicated to the agreement on the next steps for output 2 of the SSC project, with the participation of PSC and TWG members exclusively. 

Concept note and Agenda