FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

The Future of Agri-Food Systems : Innovative approaches to safety, environment, gender, and youth



The improvement of the social and economic status of women within their households and communities has a direct impact on food security and nutrition. Evidence shows that women, if given the opportunity to control additional household income, tend to spend more of it on food, health, clothing and education for children. Gender equality is therefore essential to achieving food security – both now, and for future generations. FAO's initiatives on improved overall well-being for children, households and communities contribute to long-term social and economic growth. There is a need to promote a transformation in the way that we produce and ultimately consume food. Therefore, the FAO proposes to establish innovative and sustainable agri-food systems that offer nutritious food while preserving the environment. Combining conventional and scientific knowledge, agroecology applies specific ecological and social concepts to agricultural systems, focusing on the rich interaction between plants, animals, humans and the environment.

Poster for the side event

Concept Note and Agenda

Side event facilitators and panel members FAO Side Event to the 75th ESCAP Commission