FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Transboundary animal disease prioritization workshop for ASEAN

21/10/2019 - 24/10/2019

Certain TADs have been recognized as priorities at the ASEAN through dialogues among its Member States. Currently, priority animal diseases commonly known in ASEAN include FMD, ND, PRRS, CSF, HPAI, Rabies, BSE, and brucellosis. A recent survey conducted by regional tripartite during the regular tripartite workshops in 2019 based on individual country priorities, identified 5 important zoonoses of concern in the region (rabies, influenza, anthrax, leptospirosis and brucellosis). The One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) Process allows countries or regions to prioritize zoonotic diseases through a collaborative and transparent process involving active discussions and input from all key government representatives. The Transboundary Animal Disease prioritization workshop for ASEAN will be organised by ASEAN with a support from FAO (and US CDC: TBC). This workshop will give opportunities to review ASEAN priority animal disease list to be endorsed by ASWGL next year.

Concept Note
