FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Virtual Training Course on Surveillance and Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance in Aquaculture

Hybrid Event, 26/07/2021 - 30/07/2021


The AMR action plan of FAO and One Health global strategy aim to foster wider awareness and develop the capacity for monitoring and surveillance of antimicrobial use (AMU) and AMR in aquaculture. Capacity for monitoring and surveillance is essential for the implementation of AMR national action plans. This training course is organized by FAO in collaboration with the Institute of Hydrobiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB-CAS), and INFOFISH. This is one of the efforts to enhance national capacity, through the support from an FAO regional technical cooperation programme: TCP/RAS/3702 Support Mitigation of Antimicrobial Resistance Risk Associated with Aquaculture in Asia


Day 1 (26 July 2021, Monday) | 14:00-17:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7)

Session 1: Introduction and overview

14:00-14:20     Welcome remarks, introduction and virtual group photo

14:20-14:40     1.1 Status of AMU and AMR in Asia by Dr Aihua Li

14:40-15:00     1.2 Important bacterial diseases of aquatic animals by Dr Eduardo Leano

15:00-15:10     Coffee break


Session 2: Country reports on national surveillance of AMU and AMR

15:10-15:30     2.1 China report by Dr Hu Kun

15:30-15:50     2.2 India report by Dr Gaurav Rathore

15:50-16:10     2.3 Indonesia report by Dr Christina Retna Handayani

16:10-16:30     2.4 Thailand report by Dr Thitiporn Laoprasert

16:30-16:50     2.5 Viet Nam by Dr Le Thi Hue

16:50-17:00     Discussion and Q&A


Day 2 (27 July 2021, Tuesday) | 14:00-17:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7)

14:00-14:05     Introduction and virtual group photo


Session 3: Framework for AMR monitoring and surveillance

14:05-14:35     3.1 Global perspective on AMR monitoring and surveillance by Dr Junxia Song

14:35-15:05     3.2 Global perspective of AMR and AMU in aquaculture by Dr Melba Reantaso

15:05-15:15     Coffee break

15:15-15:45     3.3 International standards: CLSI and other laboratory standards by Dr Patricia S.            


15:45-16:15     3.4 Developing the framework of AMR surveillance in Asia by Dr Mary Gordoncillo

16:15-16:20     Wrap up


Day 3 (28 July 2021, Wednesday) | 14:00-17:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7)

Session 4: Framework for sampling approaches by Dr Aihua Li

14:00-14:15     Pre-test

14:15-15:45     4.1 Purpose of AMR surveillance and monitoring

                       4.2 Overall purpose-based design for sampling

                       4.2.1 Prioritization of target aquatic animals and environment

                       4.2.2 Selection of aquaculture farms for sampling

                       4.2.3 Determining the timing/schedules for sample collection

                       4.2.4 Specimen numbering

                       4.2.5 Target bacterial species

                       4.3 Sample collection from aquatic animals and environment

                       4.3.1 Sample collection from live/moribund animals (whole animal or its tissue)

                       4.3.2 Environmental sample (water samples, sediment)

                       4.3.3 Transportation of various types of samples


15:45-15:55     Discussion and Q&A

15:55-16:05     Quiz and coffee break

16:05-16:50     4.4 Collection of sampling information

                       4.4.1 Clinical signs of sampled aquatic animals

                       4.4.2 Environmental parameters

                       4.4.3 Sample information recording

                       4.4.5 Other information

                       4.5 Preservation of bacterial isolates

16:50-17:00     Discussion, Q&A and virtual group photo


Day 4 (29 July 2021, Thursday) | 14:00-17:00 Bangkok time (GMT+7)

Session 5: Sample processing and bacteria isolation by Dr Yuting Deng and Dr Lan Jiang

14:00-14:10     Recap of Day 3

14:10-16:00     5.1 Sample processing

                       5.1.1 Sample processing of tissue from aquatic animals

                       5.1.2 Sample processing of aquaculture environment


                       5.2 Procedures for isolation and identification

                       5.2.1 Procedures for isolation and identification of Aeromonas

                       5.2.2 Procedures for isolation and identification of Vibrio

                       5.2.3 Procedures for isolation and identification of E. coli


16:00-16:10     Discussion and Q&A

16:10-16:20     Quiz and coffee break

16:20-16:50     5.3 Preservation of the isolates

                       5.3.1 Choice of preservation

                       5.3.2 Short-term preservation

                       5.3.3 Long-term preservation

16:50-17:00     Discussion, Q&A and virtual group photo


Day 5 (30 July 2021, Friday) | 14:00-17:30 (GMT+7)

Session 6: Methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) by Dr Yuting Deng and Dr Lan Jiang

14:00-14:10     Recap of Day 4

14:10-15:10     6.1 General susceptibility considerations

                       6.1.1 Choice of methods for AST

                       6.1.2 Harmonized panel of antimicrobials for monitoring


                       6.2 Standardized susceptibility testing protocols

                       6.2.1 Protocol of disk diffusion method

                       6.2.2 Protocol of broth micro-dilution method


15:10-15:40     6.3 Interpretation of test results

                       6.3.1 CLSI reference for some monitoring procedures

                       6.3.2 Optional interpretive criteria for AMR surveillance

15:40-15:50     Discussion and Q&A

15:50-16:00     Coffee break

16:00-16:30     6.4 Quality control (QC) in AST

                       6.4.1 The goals of a QC programme for AST

                       6.4.2 Choice of reference strains

                       6.4.3 QC guidelines

                       6.4.4 Acceptable QC ranges


Session 7: Data management and reporting by Dr Yuting Deng

16:30-17:00     7.1 Data recording and storage: Regional template for antimicrobial resistance data


                       7.2 Data management and data analysis

                       7.2.1 Data management

                       7.2.2 Data analysis


 17:00-17:15     Final exam

17:15-17:30     Closing remarks, evaluation and virtual group photo



Registration: http://infofish.org/APFIC/index.php/amr-training