FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Virtual workshop: Asia Regional Workshop: SDG 14.b and Its As-sociated Indicator 14.b.1

Hybrid Event, 06/07/2021 - 08/07/2021

The virtual regional workshop will bring together senior officers responsible for small-scale fisheries and senior officers responsible for consolidating responses to the questionnaire on the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in fisheries/agriculture departments/Ministries. The workshop is aimed to raise their awareness about the SDGs, particularly SDG 14.b and its associated indicator 14.b.1, and increase capacity on monitoring, measuring, reporting, and validating this indicator. Each participating country will be requested to nominate a maximum of three participants: the small-scale fisheries focal point; the officer responsible for the responses to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries submitted to FAO every two years; and a representative of a fisherfolk organization or civil society organization or non-government organization involved or interested in the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the country.

Draft workshop agenda


Day 1 (Tuesday, 6 July 2021)




Time   (Bangkok)


Resource   person





Log in starts




Moderator: Shirlene Anthonysamy, Director, INFOFISH

13.00 – 13.40

Welcome and introduction of participants

Opening of the workshop by Simon Funge-Smith, FAORAP Senior Fishery   Officer


Each participant introduces himself or herself

13.40 – 13.55

Introduction to the purpose of the workshop, background and   objectives

Susana Siar, Fishery and Aquaculture Officer, FAORAP

13.55 – 14.15

Presentation and discussion: The SSF Guidelines and linkages to SDGs

Nicole Franz, Fishery Planning Officer, FAO Rome

14.15 – 14.25



14.25 – 14.45

Presentation and discussion: FAO’s role in SDG progress monitoring

Sangita Dubey, Senior Statistician, FAORAP

14.45 – 15.00

Presentation: Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF)   Reporting

Giuliano Carrara, Fishery Officer, FAO Rome


15.00 – 15.15

Presentation: Introduction to the FAO e-learning course and SDG 14.b.1   indicator methodology

Stefania Savore, Fishery Information Officer, FAO Rome





End of Day 1





Day 2 (Wednesday, 7 July 2021)





Log in starts


Presentation and discussion: Presentations from three countries on   their experiences with reporting and validation of SDG 14.b



Moderator: Susana Siar

13.00 – 13.15



13.15 – 13.30



13.30 – 13.45



13.45 – 13.55

General discussion


13.55 – 14.00

Preparation for breakout session

Shirlene Anthonysamy

14.00 – 14.10



14.10 – 14.50

Breakout session


Three groups:

Group 1: SSF focal points

Group 2: CCRF questionnaire focal points

Group 3: Fisherfolk organizations/CSOs


Questions for discussion:

  • What        information/data sources currently exist (and what data/information        would be useful to collect) to support reporting against SDG 14.b.1?
  • How do        we achieve SDG target 14.b?



14.50 – 15.10

Reporting back to plenary from breakout session and discussion

Three groups, maximum 5 minutes for each group


Moderator: Shirlene Anthonysamy

15.10 – 15.30

Presentation and discussion: Role of civil society in reporting on   SDG 14.b

Sebastian Mathew, Executive Director, International Collective in   Support of Fishworkers


End of Day 2





Day 3 (Thursday, 8 July 2021)





Log in starts




Moderator: Susana Siar

13.00 – 13.20

Presentation and discussion: Markets and market access

Api Cokanasiga, Trade Promotion Officer, INFOFISH

13.20 – 13.40

Presentation and discussion: Small-scale fisheries organizations,   their role in implementing the SSF Guidelines and in achieving SDG 14.b

Herman Kumara, Asia Regional Advisory Group on SSF Guidelines   implementation

13.40 – 14.00

Improving reporting and monitoring on SDG 14.b through Illuminating   Hidden Harvest study

Lena Westlund, International Fisheries Analyst, FAO Rome

14.00 – 14.10

Poll on how to effectively   develop capacity for reporting on and monitoring SDG 14.b.1


14.10 – 14.20



14.20 – 14.40

Plenary discussion: How to effectively develop capacity for reporting   on and monitoring SDG 14.b and its associated indicator 14.b.1 and next steps

Susana Siar/Shirlene Anthonysamy

14.40 – 14.55

Evaluation and closing of the workshop