FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Webinar on Stocktaking and Lessons Learned from the Implementation of One Village-One Product in Asia and the Pacific

Hybrid Event, 30/06/2021


FAO is developing the Global Action Plan for Green Development of Specialty Agro-Products: One Country–One Commodity (OCOC). The OCOC initiative is inspired by “One Village, One Product” (OVOP) programmes and schemes in which the Asia-Pacific region holds rich national experiences. Many Asian countries adopted the concept and developed similar initiatives based on country-specific contexts and development needs. FAO Regional Offices for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) is organizing this Webinar to take stock on national experiences of OVOP or homegrown similar initiatives and draw lessons and identify key elements in developing and implementing the OCOC initiative in the region. The Webinar will be conducted through a combination of presentations and open discussion. Presentations will be made by selected government officials and resource persons on national implementation on OVOP.



 Provisional Agenda 


I      Opening Remark (5’)

       Mr. Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General/ Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, FAO RAP

II    Introduction

       Scene setting: Overview of objectives and expected outcomes (10’)

       Ms. Xuan Li, Senior Policy Officer, FAO RAP

III  Country experiences on OVOP implementation (15 minutes each)

       1) Country presentation from Cambodia:  H.E Dr Chea Samnag, Secretary General of OVOP, Director of DPM Cabinet, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Cambodia

       2) Country presentation from Republic of Korea: Dr. Hyojung LEE, Associate Research Fellow, and Team leader of International Cooperation and Strategy team, Korea Rural Economy Institute, the Republic of Korea

       3) Country presentation from India: Dr. C. Anandharamakrishnan, Director, Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT), Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of India 

       4) Country presentation from Nepal: Institutional involvement in OVOP and its implementation efficiencies: Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh, Senior Agri-Economist, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development/Department of Agriculture, Planning & Monitoring Section, Nepal

       5) Country presentation from Thailand: Mrs. Jantima Jones,  Foreign Relations Officer, Planning Division, Community Development Department, Ministry of Interior, Thailand

       6) Country presentation from Vietnam: Mr. Nguyen Minh Tien, Director General, Chief of National Coordination Office of the National Target Programme on New Rural Development, MARD, Viet Nam

 IV  Open discussion             

      Open discussions with all speakers/participants (30’): Facilitator - Mr. Sridhar Dharmapuri, Stream Lead, Agriculture and Food System, Senior Food Safety and Nutrition Officer, FAO RAP

V   Closing

     Wrap up and closing remarks (10’):  Mr. Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General/ Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, FAO RAP