FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Workshop on Training of Trainers on Protection Against South Blight American Leaf Blight (SALB) of Rubber in Asia-Pacific Region

03/12/2018 - 07/12/2018



The overall objective of the workshop is to enhance the capacity building on the protection of SALB in the APPPC region, with the following specific objectives:

  1. To train and establish core group and core trainers on SALB and prevention of SALB in the rubber growing countries in APPPC region;
  2. To enhance the trainers’ expertise and knowledge on SALB and prevention of SALB with the latest information;
  3. To create networking among Plant Protection and Rubber Research Personnel on the protection of SALB within the region;
  4. To gather and update feedback on the latest information of SALB from Brazil’s training
  5. To review, update and familiarize the trainers on the SALB reference materials and the measures to be taken when incursion happen based on the latest information.

Concept note 



Summary report