FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Digital innovations for climate-resilient agrifood systems: Applications from Asia

Virtual Event, 17/10/2023

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific will host a regional webinar on 17 October 2023 as part of FAO’s Science and Innovation Forum (SIF) to be held from October 18-21 this year.

The Science and Innovation Forum Regional Event for Asia-Pacific titled “Digital innovations for climate-resilient agrifood systems: Innovative applications from Asia” will show case examples of successful digital innovations targeting climate impacts within the agrifood system. The webinar will also bring together leaders and innovators who are driving local solutions to tackle climate change challenges in their countries. Inclusive digital solutions for climate action will also highlight the impacts on small scale farmers, women entrepreneurs, youth-led and community-led initiatives in Asia-Pacific. Highlighting the work of the featured leaders will serve to create awareness and inspire others and may draw much needed support in the form of investments and partnership.

This SIF event is a two-hour virtual webinar with a panel discussion organized on October 17 from 14:00 to 16:00 hours Bangkok time.


The Science and Innovation Forum Regional Event for Asia-Pacific will bring together voices of experts and innovators who are driving local solutions applied to agrifood systems that tackle climate change and resource stewardship challenges in their countries.  This year's theme of the FAO SIF will be “Science and Innovation for Climate Action”, aligned with the overarching World Food Forum (WFF) theme “Agrifood systems transformation accelerates climate action”.


•Showcasing youth-led agritech and startups with successful innovations addressing climate change in agrifood systems results in fresh perspectives in responding to longstanding problems.
•Leveraging local and community-based knowledge and combined with scientific and technological advances are critical for a sustainable future of the planet.
•Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship servicing climate-smart agricultural practices through green enterprises, value chains and agritech start-ups that can generate employment, incomes and rural enterprises.

Target audience:

Primarily aimed at young entrepreneurs and agritech leaders and innovators who are passionate about addressing climate change issues within agrifood systems.

The SIF Event will:

§Explore increased awareness about climate challenges to agrifood systems and the role science and innovation can play to solve these problems and manage trade-offs between boosting production while , income and protecting the environment.
§Inspire action by showcasing the role of agritech founders and young people in driving innovative technologies and solutions aimed at tackling climate change through climate-smart agriculture, digital solutions to community mobilization.  
§Empower – Using the success stories on innovations shared by the panelists to highlight the capacities, investments and partnerships needed to foster/scale up climate actions in the region.
Speakers and Panelists

Opening remarks: Aziz Elbehri, Senior Economist, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok

Keynote speaker: Hemendra Mathur, Venture Partner, Bharat Innovation Fund (India)

Theme: Recent developments in science-drive technology innovations targeting climate-compatible and resilient agrifood systems. 


    1. Prateek Srivastava, Vice President, CropIn (multi-country); Theme: IOT innovations or healthier soils
    2. Mrinalika Dhapola, CEO, Grassroots Trading Network for Women (India); Theme: Sustainable clean energy for rural poor in India
    3. Tushar Gaware, CEO  S4S Technologies (India); Theme: The role of decentralized renewable energy-based innovations for empowering small holder women farmers.
    4.  Wisuwat Songnuan, CSO Advanced GreenFarm (Thailand); Theme: Wolffia: The Small Plant with a Big Impact on Food Safety and Climate Resilience


Webinar Agenda Programme 


Related links:

Food Science and Innovation Forum 2023

World Food Forum 2023

Supajit Tienpati