FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

International Technical Webinar on Harnessing Drones and Artificial Intelligence for Advances in Direct-Seeding Rice Systems

Virtual Event, 30/05/2024

Join us for an exciting virtual discussion about Harnessing Drones and Artificial Intelligence for Advances in Direct-Seeding Rice Systems on 30 May 2024 at 1:30 PM (GMT +7).

The webinar will tackle the growing use of climate-smart technology. Our distinguished speakers will share scientific progress in drone and AI technology for rice farming, focusing on direct-seeded rice to boost its adoption and efficiency in regions vulnerable to climate change.

The event will be conducted via Zoom.

Register here, and feel free to share with your network.  

Concept Note

We look forward to your engagement! 

Provisional Programme 




1:30-1:35 PM


Opening Remarks

Bo Zhou
Agriculture Officer, FAO RAP 



Drone DSR Systems Perspective and Experiences at the Global Level


Drone DSR Systems Perspective and Experiences from IRRI in the Philippines.

Virender Kumar
Principal Scientist
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Laguna, Philippines

Stephen Klassen
Senior Scientist
IRRI, Laguna, Philippines 




New Advancements in Drone DSR Systems

Danying Wang
Rice Cropping Systems Specialist
China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou, China 




Hybrid Rice Direct Seeded System Using Drone

Leo Hawod
Agronomic System Manager
for Rice Market Development
Bayer Crop Science Inc.
Taguig City, Philippines 




Drone DSR Systems Perspective and Experiences from the Banking Institution

Takashi Yamano
Principal Economist
Asian Development Bank
Dhaka, Bangladesh 




Open Forum and Q&A with audience

Moderator: Romeo Labios
International Agriculture & Farming Systems
Specialist, FAO RAP




Synthesis and Moving Forward

Bo Zhou                                                Agriculture Officer, FAO RAP


Bo Zhou, [email protected] and Romeo Labios, [email protected]