FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Delegation from Iran visits China to study landscape rehabilitation practices


Through the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) project “Rehabilitation of Forest Landscapes and Degraded Land”, the Islamic Republic of Iran's National Resource and Watershed Organization (NRWO), embarked on a study tour this month to China focusing on forest landscape rehabilitation.

The study tour provided Iranian delegates an opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences in dryland ecosystem and natural resources management with the host while also becoming more familiar with sustainable forest management practices, climate resilience, reforestation strategies, and the indispensable role that forests play in biodiversity conservation.

The programme enabled the participants to actively engage in knowledge-sharing sessions with Chinese experts and practitioners, gaining first-hand exposure to innovative and sustainable dryland forest and natural resources management practices in practice. The programme was also placing significant emphasis on refining the policy and institutional environment.

Exploring future cooperation on revitalizing drylands

Towards the same objective, a Regional Workshop “Leveraging South-South and Triangular Cooperation to promote Sustainable Forestry Management in Asia and the Pacific” was organized at the end of the study tour.

The workshop involved visits to two sites, Saihanba  and Kubuqi. Lessons learned from both countries and identified good practices, in the context of transforming the dryland production systems under the desertification and drought impacts, were examined.

Rehabilitation of Forest Landscapes and Degraded Land

Despite its unique natural heritage, Iran is among the countries worldwide with a low forest cover, accounting for less than 10 percent of its total land area. Forests, as crucial contributors to food and nutrition security and ecosystem preservation, are under threat, with their disappearance accelerating faster than in many other parts of the world.

In response to this pressing situation, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) initiated the "Rehabilitation of Forest Landscapes and Degraded Land" project in 2011. This project aimed to address the main challenges to dryland ecosystems and forest resources in Iran, promote Sustainable Land and Forest Management (SLFM), and build the capacity for sustainable livelihoods, food security, and the fight against desertification.