FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

FAO joins the Sustainable Rice Platform with plans to develop partnerships for a next generation of sustainable rice projects in Asia and globally


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today formally joined the Sustainable Rice Platform, a global multi‐stakeholder alliance of more than 100 institutional members from the public, private, research, civil society and financial sectors.

The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) works with partners to transform the global rice sector by improving smallholder livelihoods, reducing the social, environmental and climate footprint of rice production; and by offering the global rice market an assured supply of sustainably produced rice.

“FAO, the SRP and its members, are serious about providing the means to produce rice that is better for farmers, better for the environment, and better for agri-businesses,” said Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General and FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific. “As a new member of SRP, FAO wants to work with SRP and partners to develop the next generation of sustainable rice projects in Asia – and globally. FAO welcomes the opportunity to join with the SRP on this journey.”

“We are delighted to welcome FAO as a member of SRP, reflecting our shared ambition and growing cooperation across several fronts. FAO’s leadership in driving sustainable food systems opens new doors to scaling up adoption of climate-smart solutions in rice and to making significant contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We look forward to working with FAO to develop holistic, farmer-centred approaches towards rice sector transformation,” said Wyn Ellis, SRP Executive Director.    

SRP’s mission – a mission that FAO shares.

Rice is more than a crop. It is the backbone of a regional food system and a key contributor to food security globally. FAO works in close collaboration with governments around the region and the members of the Sustainable Rice Landscapes Initiative. That includes UN Environment, IRRI, GIZ and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Working together, they scale-up SRP standards and climate-smart rice practices in thousands of farming communities and product value chains around the region.

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

With the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), almost USD 60 million is being mobilized to kick-start the sustainable transformation of the rice sector in this region. Other partners in this new initiative, many of them SRP members, both public and private, are contributing an additional USD 800 million in co-financing.

FAO’s membership of SRP reflects the keen interest of the organization and its Director-General to forge new partnerships including strengthened engagement with the private sector. Indeed, FAO is a strong proponent of public-private partnerships because the private sector will have to play a leading role in spreading sustainable agriculture – including rice production – by building demand for premium quality and sustainable products.





About the Sustainable Rice Platform

The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is a global multi‐stakeholder alliance of over 100 institutional members from public, private, research, civil society and the financial sector.  The SRP initiative was originally co‐convened by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (GIZ) and is now an independent member association. 

SRP works with partners to transform the global rice sector by improving smallholder livelihoods, reducing the social, environmental and climate footprint of rice production; and by offering the global rice market an assured supply of sustainably produced rice.