FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Nepal reaches new milestone to transform its agrifood systems through a systematic and sustainable roadmap for food security


The Government of Nepal today launched a series of programmatic frameworks in the food and agriculture sectors that will help the country transform its agrifood systems, making them more resilient and sustainable for the benefit of all people in Nepal, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said today.

The Country Programming Framework (2023 – 2027), developed with Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and other stakeholders, was presented today during a launch in the capital, Kathmandu. The launch of the CPF attracted various dignitaries from government, the private sector, including agripreneurs, and development partners.

Bedu Ram Bhusal, Hon. Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development, congratulated the drafters of the CPF. “The Country Programming Framework (2023-2027) represents the shared priorities of the Government of Nepal and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for agriculture, livestock, and natural resource management. I firmly believe that it will be instrumental in the agrifood transformation of Nepal,” he said during the launch.

Also speaking at the event, FAO’s Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, Jong-Jin Kim, highlighted the importance of the CPF and its potential to catalyse transformative change in Nepal's agricultural sector. "The CPF is an important tool to help achieve Nepal's vision of a resilient and sustainable food system. FAO is committed to supporting the government of Nepal in achieving its objectives and ensuring that the CPF is successfully implemented," Kim said.

Innovation key to transformation of agrifood systems – CPF a significant milestone

Kim noted the importance of innovative and sustainable agricultural practices to promote inclusive growth and ensure food security for all. He also highlighted the importance of transforming the country's food systems to address malnutrition and other food security issues.

The launch of the CPF in Nepal marks a significant milestone in the partnership between FAO and the Nepalese government. FAO remains committed to supporting Nepal's efforts to achieve its agricultural development goals and to improve food security for all Nepalese citizens.

“Implementing the CPF in the immediate years ahead will be a great boost to helping Nepal, and our Asia-Pacific region, get back on track in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 deadline,” Kim said, adding “we can do this through achieving better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind.”

The CPF is a strategic framework that aims to strengthen the country's food and agriculture sector by identifying priority areas of investment and intervention. The framework also provides a platform for partnership between FAO and Nepal to ensure effective implementation of the country's agricultural development goals. FAO will continue to support Nepal in its efforts to achieve its agricultural development goals and to improve the lives of small-scale family farmers and their communities.