FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Supporting a coordinated Samoa Food Cluster


The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is committed to saving lives through the coordination of the food security response in major emergencies. Effective coordination is only possible through close cooperation with partner organizations. The cluster provides the guidance at the country level that supports a broad base and timely response.
FAO Food Security Cluster Export, Peter Nuttall was deployed in Samoa recently to provide an analysis for planning and building the capacity of the national food security cluster in Samoa.

“The Food Security Cluster is about enhancing cooperation and partnerships.” Said FAO Subregional Coordinator, Eriko Hibi in her opening address. “It works directly with its partners and stakeholders that include NGOs, the Red Cross, UN organizations, Governments and Donors to help respond to food security in times of emergency and disaster.”
The focus has been the development of a FSLC Standard Operation Procedures format, which included a jointly developed initial damage assessment format, and a Food Security detailed damage assessment format, and a 12 Month Recovery Plan.
To develop of these documents, Nuttal worked closely with various members from various Government agencies like the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Women, Community, Social Development and the Disaster Management Office. Consultations were also held with the Australian and New Zealand High Commissions, the Peoples Republic of China Embassy, various NGOs and Church Groups including Caritas, Samoa Red Cross Society, Seventh Day Adventists (ADRA), etc.
Findings of the consultations discussed at a meeting which was held at the FAO Subregional office. The meeting was attended by the some of the contributing agencies.
The FSC was established to coordinate the food security response during a humanitarian crisis, addressing issues of food availability, access and utilization. The Cluster is based at World Food Programme (WFP) headquarters in Rome and is co-led by FAO and WFP. The Global Support Team includes FAO, WFP and INGO staff.

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