FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Private sector

In December 2020, the FAO Council approved a new FAO Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-25. FAO considers the private sector to be a key ally in the fight against hunger and malnutrition and the achievement of the SDGs. The COVID-19 pandemic has served to urgently highlight the importance of partnerships and leveraging knowledge and innovation in a time of limited resources.

Identification of new private sector partners is now more proactive and selective, focusing on those with the greatest potential to bring technology, innovation and financial resources to countries to help them achieve the SDGs. This means increased emphasis on small and medium enterprises, especially from developing countries.

As part of the New Strategy, FAO has established a web-based private sector Client Relations Management system portal, the Connect Portal, which serves as an official channel through which the Organization can interact with prospective and current partners. The portal is based on principles of transparency, openness and inclusivity. The portal will enable FAO to engage with private sector entities in a more efficient, proactive and strategic manner.

The private sector – big or small, local or global – is a key ally in the global fight against food insecurity, malnutrition and rural poverty. The ambitious 2030 Agenda requires all forms of partnership and resources to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the benefit of this generation and generations to come.

Regional interest in private sector partnership increased (partly due to COVID-19, but also in general). Now already for the second first time in Asia and the Pacific, a private sector consultation was held in the lead-up to APRC36, and private sector statement and interventions included in the APRC.