FAO in Bangladesh

Successful progress of Bangladesh’s first Forest Reference Levels preparation.


The Bangladesh UN-REDD Programme organized a third training workshop on REDD+ Forest Reference (Emission) Levels (FREL/FRL) from 16 to 24 August 2017 at the Forest Department, Dhaka. Eleven participants from different units of the Forest Department, SPARSO, DoE and universities were invited to analyse FREL/FRL, and brainstorm on the key information that would be submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The objective was to assess the historical emissions and removals of greenhouse gases from the forestry sector to set a benchmark for assessing REDD+ performance. Two resource persons from FAO, Donna Lee and Gael Sola guided the process for the preparation of the FREL. They shared their experience from other countries’ submissions on the overall process and on data analysis. The different topics covered included an overview of the national context, the definition of forest, the clarification of different land classifications, the identification of the main REDD+ activities in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and removals, and opportunities for inclusion of more robust data once additional data collection systems become operational in the near future. The submission of a FREL/FRL is a good opportunity for Bangladesh to review its historical data, and reflect on the political process and strategic thinking of REDD+ in a capacity building spirit. The conducted workshop has tremendous importance for ongoing capacity building process of Bangladesh forest department on FREL/FRL, as well as continuation of previous two workshop and one discussion meeting organized during November-2016, February-2017, and May-2017. At the end of the workshop an initial draft of the submission document was prepared, and a roadmap for the document’s finalization was developed.