FAO in Bangladesh



The GoB-USAID-EU-FAO Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge (MUCH) project organised, in collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University (INMU), a specialised training course on “Incorporation of nutrition in food systems: applications in policies and programmes with specific reference to Bangladesh” in Thailand on 15-28 November 2018.

The training course was attended by twenty participants from Bangladesh, representing the Ministries of Food, Fisheries and Livestock, Health and Family Welfare, Agriculture, Women and Children Affairs, Disaster Management and Relief, Planning, Social Welfare, and the Bangladesh Food Safety Authority

The objectives of the training were to: (i) acquire a practical understanding of the role of nutrition-sensitive food systems in improvement of nutrition, (ii) understand how nutrition can be integrated into food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition (with a special emphasis on policy work and programming) and (iii) learn from Thailand’s experience on improving nutrition through food systems policies and programmes.

Pre- and post-test results showed that participants’ knowledge increased from 41% at the pre-test stage to 59% at the post-test. The participants felt that the training was effective, and the knowledge gained helped them understand the situation better and for better policy implementation in Bangladesh. The field visits were reported as valuable giving them practical exposure at the ground level.

The INMU training was extended to the participation in the IFPRI-FAO Global Event on "Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition" in Bangkok, Thailand on 28-30 November. The event was attended by more than 500 experts concerned with food and nutrition security who discussed "accelerators" to eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition from national, regional and global perspectives and with innovative approaches. The 20 government officials substantially benefited from this event to further gain food nutrition and security knowledge and strengthen their capacities.

On return to Bangladesh, selected course participants presented the lessons learned, reflections on the training and the way forward/recommendations to Mr Shahabuddin Ahmed, Secretary, Ministry of Food and Mr M Badrul Arefin, Director General, Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU), Ministry of Food. The Secretary emphasised to the participants to take the training course as a commitment, disseminate such knowledge gained, play a leadership role to make it sustainable and reach the target of safe, balanced and nutritious diets for all.

MUCH is financially supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the European Union (EU). The project is aimed at strengthening the enabling environment for eradicating food insecurity and malnutrition in Bangladesh.