FAO in Bangladesh

FAO launches climate smart ACCESS project to support smallholder farmers


Dhaka – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Sara Bangla Krishak Society (SBKS) launched the project, Accelerating Economic and Social Inclusion through Strong Producers’ Organizations in Bangladesh (ACCESS) today in Dhaka. The project aims to strengthen rural livelihoods for over 25 000 smallholder farmers in climate hotspots. Members of the farming community, government organizations, private sector and development partners participated in the event.
The Honourable Secretary of Agriculture, Wahida Akter joined as Chief Guest said “In order to reach the last mile for the community who is struggling with the effects of climate change, we must innovate inclusive business model like the ACCESS project, which facilitates tangible collaboration among producer organizations, and the public and private sector.”
Dia Sanou, FAO Representative in Bangladesh said “FAO works with smallholder producer organizations as our partners to strengthen rural livelihoods as part of ACCESS project. Together we will focus on agribusiness clusters and support smallholders to transform their subsistence farms into successful businesses.”
Participants from various organizations including Bangladesh Krishi Bank, PKSF, Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation, the Department of Agricultural Extension and the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council were also on the panel and discussed potential support that their organizations can provide.
Rita Bramma, President of SBKS said, “We are very grateful to all who have come together in support of smallholder farmers in Bangladesh. Your support ensures that we can continue our work to uplift those struggling with the effects of climate change.”
Following the inaugural session, an informal working session took place between FAO, SBKS and almost 100 members of the farming community from climate hotspots.

ACCESS is funded by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) Producer Organization (PO)-led funding window. Here producer organizations are empowered to take the driving seat to serve their communities. As such, the project will be implemented jointly by FAO, the Department of Agricultural Extension and the Sara Bangla Krishak Society (SBKS), a national network of producer organizations that has already successfully partnered with FAO under a previous GAFSP pilot project—the Missing Middle Initiative (MMI).
ACCESS will scale up and expand on the experience of MMI, and now focus on commodity-based agribusiness clusters in two climate hotspots—the Northern Barind Tract and Southern Coastal Belt. It will work to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in these areas so that they are more resilient to external shocks and crises.


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This news release was issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Bangladesh Country Office.

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