FAO in Bangladesh

Five beneficiary groups in Taindong, Khagrachari receives Power Tillers from FAO Bangladesh.


FAO Bangladesh is completing activities of its emergency project titled “Emergency Assistance to Support Farmers Affected by Communal Violence in Taindong Union, Khagrachari District, Chittagong Hill Tracts” with the handing over of five power tillers to the five beneficiary groups, coinciding with the final workshop as the last remaining task to be completed under the project. The distribution ceremony was held on Tuesday, 23 December 2014 in BogaPara of Taindong Union, Maitaranga Upazila in Khagrachari Hill District, with participation of the representatives from the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs (MoCHTA), Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Matianga, Khagrachari and FAO Representation in Bangladesh along with the beneficiary farmers, member of local communities and local participants.

Professor Abdus Sattar Mandal, Senior Advisor to FAO and Mr. Nur A. Khondaker, Assistant FAO Representative joined the occasion from Dhaka. Mr. Basudeb Acharjee, Joint Secretary (Development), also the chair of the session and Tania Khan, Senior Assistant Chief from Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs (MoCHTA) were invited to attend the event. Mr. Kazal Talukder, Programme Advisor, Mr. Tuku Moni Chakma, Programme Officer from FAO Agricultural Planning Unit, Rangamati, Md. Shah Alam Mia, Agriculture Officer (AO) and four Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer (SAAO); Mr. Md. Ali Haider, Mr. Prokash Tripura, Manash Kanti Tripura and Emon Tripura from Department of Agriculture extension, Matiranga upazila, Delegates from the local authority; Karbari Binoyi Kumar Chakma, Phani Bhushan Chakma, Member, Union Parishad; were also present among the other notable members of the session.

In one of the remotest area of Khagrachari; with very difficult mountainous terrain, and lack of necessary resources and a community stricken by an episode of communal violence, this FAO emergency project took off a year ago with a mandate to reinstate the livelihoods of the affected people, through appropriate training and distribution of agricultural inputs among the beneficiary groups. Now, one year later, the project stands out with significant achievement not only in meeting it’s core objectives, but also through prudent management of resoruces able to distribute additional inputs such as power tillers, seed containers and low lift pumps.

Adhering to the request from the affected community during the last field visit in August, FAO management decided to adjust the budget to support purchas of five power tillers for the five beneficiary groups, covering fifteen villages under the project area. This addition will significantly enhance the agricultural production in this distant region. These machines also have the potential to be used as rice husking machine with a minor mechanical extension, in addition to it’s more conventional usage for land cultivation. The project was designed to build stability and resilience in the communities as well as support sustainable growth through the project activities; during the ceremony, this success story was echoed by all the beneficiaries and the people who facilitated from the very beginning to make this project a successful one.

The distinguished speakers at the event reminded the beneficiary groups of their responsibilities in cherishing the possession of new power tillers along with previously circulated low lift pump and other inputs as a further opportunity to bring long term development into their community. The day ended with official handing over observance of the equipment and finishing speech by the chair of the session.