FAO in Bangladesh

FAO Bangladesh talks Strategic Partnership with PKSF


FAO Representative in Bangladesh yesterday 28 January met a team of top executives from Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), led by Mr. Md. Abdul Karim, Managing Director, to discuss a new strategic partnership between the two organizations, at PKSF Headquarter at Agargaon.
In opening the discussions, Mr. Karim described the main areas of work of PKSF in addressing rural poverty where the organization, through its network of partner NGOs, provides investment support to over 10 million poor and vulnerable beneficiaries. He described some of the purposes for which micro credit have been taken – including crab fattening, beef production, dairy, crops and other rural livelihoods – and the move into new financial products and services (such as micro-insurance). He also specifically emphasized the importance of addressing the challenge of under-nutrition. FAO technical capacity could really complement PKSF field activities, and he welcomed the opportunity to discuss.
From the FAO side, Mr. Robson highlighted FAO’s contribution in technology adaptation and adoption, focusing on food and nutrition security. He commented on the need for a partner, if the good work done at pilot scale (with maybe 1-2,000 households involved) is to reach the millions of potential beneficiaries. Linking technology development, testing and adaptation to microfinance is one way to achieve more sustainable outcomes at larger scale. He confirmed FAO’s intention to work on common programmes with PKSF, particularly focusing on nutrition and climate change resilience in South West Bangladesh.
The meeting ended with agreement on future cooperation in mobilizing resources and forming close alliance around a shared vision, between two agencies.

More about PKSF: http://pksf-bd.org/