FAO in Bangladesh

First Training event for Bangladesh Food Safety Authority on 23-26 February 2015


Around 50 people from a wide range of food safety stakeholders took part in the first training session organized by the new Bangladesh Food Safety Authority hosted by the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU) of the Ministry of Food, from 23-26 February.

The training covered “Awareness on ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management Systems – Requirements for any Organization in the Food Chain”, sponsored by the USAID-funded FAO project supporting the “Institutionalisation of food safety in Bangladesh”.

At the closing ceremony, remarks were made by Ms.  Mushfeka Ikfat, Secretary, Ministry of Food, Mr. Mustak Hasan Iftekhar, Chairman and Member Secretary of Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA), Mr. Ataur Rahman, DG, FPMU and Mr. Mike Robson, FAOR.  The trainers commended the participants’ enthusiasm which was evident throughout the course, with attendance from twelve ministries and eighteen line departments.

(Training Brochure attached)