FAO in Bangladesh

FAO organizes workshop on “Good Agriculture Practice (GAP)”


A total of 40 people drawn from a range of food safety stakeholders participated in a ‘Sensitization Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Horticulture and Poultry Sector Regulators’ arranged by FAO Bangladesh hosted by the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU) of Ministry of Food, from 22-25 March, 2015. Ms Mushfekar Ikfat, Secretary Food, Mr. Mustak Hasan Iftekhar, Chairman and Member Secretary of Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA), Mr. Ataur Rahman, DG, FPMU and Mr. Mike Robson, FAOR, were present at the inauguration of the workshop.

The event covered standard good practices across various stages of production, post-production and marketing of safe produce, over four morning-long sessions.  It was sponsored by the USAID funded FAO project “Institutionalisation of food safety in Bangladesh”, and was enthusiastically received by the participants.

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Concept Note 

Workshop Schedule