FAO in Bangladesh

FAO Environment & Forestry Office Opens Today


FAO Bangladesh has opened a new annex adjacent to the main representation premises, on Thursday, 23 April, 2015. It will house 15 new staff working on a number of new environment and forestry-related projects.

Mr. Mike Robson, FAOR and Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Secretary in Charge, Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) jointly opened the new unit in the presence of Mr. Karl Wurster, Deputy Director, Economic Growth Office, USAID Bangladesh, Mr. Md. Yunus Ali, Chief Conservator of Forests, Mr. Saraf Uddin Ahmed, Chairman, Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation and other government officials.

In his informal remarks, Secretary in Charge, MoEF, complimented FAO for providing a conducive working environment for its work in support of the government. He also welcomed the continuing support of interested development partners – and commended the continuing efforts to strengthen capacity in both the areas of environment and forestry in Bangladesh.

The FAOR also conducted a brief tour of the premises, including the new rooftop vegetable garden.