FAO in Bangladesh

Agriculture Machinery Handing Ceremony in Southern Region


Around 150 people from a wide range of stakeholders and development partners participated at the handing over ceremony of agriculture machinery organized by FAO at Narail Sadar, in the southern region of Bangladesh on 1 April, 2015. This was one of a series of events across Khulna and Narail Districts between 27 March - 2 April, 2015.

23 power tillers, 23 power thresher and 23 LLP have been delivered to beneficiaries under the Dutch-funded FAO project supporting “Enhancing Food Security through improved crop water management practices in the Southern Coastal Areas of Bangladesh”.

In his remarks, Mr. Anisul Islam Mahmud, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Water resource, expressed pride in the achievements of the agriculture sector in Bangladesh over recent decades. He thanked FAO for continued collaboration and support in making a difference where needed.

At the ceremony, concluding remarks were made by Mr. Gerben de Jong, Hon’ble Dutch ambassador in Bangladesh, and Mr. David W. Doolan, Deputy FAO Representative in Bangladesh. The speakers highlighted that additional equipment should complement better crop and horticulture production practices in the area, enhancing food security prospects in the coastal region.    

The project – due to complete in June 2015 - is currently being implemented in seven upazillas (Batiaghata, Paikgacha, Dumuria, Patuakhali Sadar, Galachipa, Amtali and Narail sadar) across four southern districts (Khulna, Patuakhali, Barguna and Narail).