FAO in Bangladesh

Celebration of 'World Milk Day 2015' at BAU


With the participation of around 2000 people from the government, senior academics, developments partners - and a large number of primary school students - this year ‘World Milk Day-2015’ was jointly hosted by Food and Agriculture Organization, Department of Dairy Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and, Bangladesh Milk Producers’ Co-operative Union Limited (Milk Vita), held at BAU Campus on Thursday, 4 June, 2015. The Director General of the Department of Livestock Services was a special guest.

FAO introduced this day in 2001, to provide an opportunity to highlight milk as a key nutritious food as well as to publicise relevant activities of the milk industries in developing countries around the world.

On the day, around 1800 school children joined a rally with Mr Mike Robson, FAO Representative in Bangladesh, and team, and BAU academics and students. Afterwards, FAOR and the distinguished panel distributed milk packets among all the children present at the venue.

Following the rally, FAO Bangladesh, BAU and related stakeholders from milk industry organized a seminar on “Milk Revolution for Bangladesh – Vision 2021” in the presence of Prof Dr Md Ali Akbar, Vice-Chancellor, BAU, Mr Ajoy Kumar Roy, DG, Department of Livestock Services (DLS), and Mr Abser Kamal, MD, Grameen Motsho O Pashushampad Foundation (GMPF).

A key note paper was given by Dr Md. Nurul Islam, BAU. It showed in particular rapid recent growth in production of the sector based on DLS data.

Mr Ajoy Kumar Roy, DG, DLS underlined the necessity of milk, a complete food, for the people of all ages. He said that proper cattle management and creating a national habit of milk consumption are as much important as initiating a sustainable market model ensuring rapid growth of the sector. Mr Roy expressed high regards for FAO’s initiative – and welcomed the continuing support of interested development partners in this critical issue – and offered his department’s full support to efforts to strengthen institutional capacity and coordinate efforts of the responsible institutions to help the milk industry.

Prof Dr Md Ali Akbar, VC, BAU, in his remarks, emphasised need for good breeds, and sufficient balanced animal feed. He expressed his optimism in cross breeding programme and fodder trading at the village level – a promising avenue for the dairy sector. Prof. Akber strongly suggested taking necessary actions to stop milk adulteration. "Restructuring of the existing market and taxation on imported powder milk will also weigh heavily in developing the situation” he hoped.

In discussing, FAOR stressed on milk’s contribution to reducing childhood stunting - around 36% of the children still do not reach their expected by at the age of 5. Focus on quantity of production is important in reaching 250 ml milk per day a person, from 100 ml. But quality is also important; to improve the scope for producing value added milk products. Costs of milk production are very high compared to soft drinks. As a result soft drinks producers can spend much more on promoting their product. It is essential that the more nutritious properties of milk - compared to soft drinks - are understood by all. An awareness raising programme highlighting the benefit of milk involving stakeholders in government, medical practitioners and others will be central to uplifting demand for milk. FAOR also described FAO’s “School Milk Programme” which is a pilot activity to encourage a demand for milk among the children.

Closing the ceremony, Dr. Siddiki, Head, Dept. of Dairy Science, BAU thanked FAO Bangladesh and, commended the enthusiasm and lively participation from those attending throughout the session.


More coverages on print and online medias:

http://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/48592/Implement-dairy-policy-experts-urge-government (Language - English)

http://www.kalerkantho.com/print-edition/priyo-desh/2015/06/05/229841/print (Language -Bengali)

http://www.bd-pratidin.com/country-village/2015/06/04/85367 (Language - Bengali)

http://www.banglanews24.com/fullnews/bn/398804.html (Language - Bengali)