FAO in Bangladesh

FAO Supports Strengthening Academic Capacities on GHG Inventory


A workshop on “Strengthening academic capacities on GHG inventory with a focus on forestry and environmental sciences” was heldon 30 March 2017 at the Bangladesh Forest Department, Dhaka. The workshop was organized with support from FAO involving forestry and environmental sciences related universities.

23 representatives from four national universities, five international organizations and two government departments associated with Agriculture, Forestry and Other land-use (AFOLU) sector came together for the workshop. The workshop supported the identification of academic capacity gaps and needs on courses related to AFOLU GHG disciplines and the necessary planning of activities to address them. This workshop will contribute to enhance the national GHG expertise.

The participants highlighted the capacity gaps and needs with respect to disciplines important for GHG inventory. Mr Rakibul Hassan Mukul, ProjectDirector, UN-REDD NationalProgramme, supported the idea to offer more internship opportunities to students and enhance their participation in projects.

Mr Matieu Henry, Chief Technical Advisor, FAO, stressed the importance of continuing building academic capacities on GHG through training workshops, national consultations, curricula improvements and development of new training materials.  As a follow-up of this workshop, several training-of-trainers workshops on GHG inventory will take place in the concerned universities.