FAO in Bangladesh
FAO has just completed an intensive two-month watershed area reforestation programme, in which nearly half a million tree seedlings were planted near Rohingya camps, through the SAFE Plus project and in collaboration with the Cox’s Bazar South Forest Division. SAFE Plus (Safe Approaches to Fuel and Energy Plus Landscape Restoration...
As part of World Food Day 2019, FAO Bangladesh held a children’s poster contest in Chattogram. The event was an opportunity for children to use their imagination to create artworks that illustrate this year’s theme of healthy diets for a zero hunger world. The chief guest was Mr. Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, MP, Minister...
The National Food and Nutrition Security Policy of Bangladesh (NFNSP) came a step closer to reality through a series of consultations conducted by FAO’s Meeting the Undernutrition Challenge (MUCH) project and the Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU), Ministry of Food. The NFNSP builds on the Second Country Investment Plan: Nutrition-Sensitive...
An FAO project that promoted sustainable land management and improved understanding of land degradation in Bangladesh, closes today. In the last few decades land degradation has become an alarming issue in Bangladesh, threatening land and water resources, food productivity, food security, biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions. FAO defines sustainable land management as...
To mark World Food Day 2019 in Bangladesh, the FAO held a rally today starting outside the national parliament, followed by a seminar and the opening of a three-day food fair. The theme of this year’s World Food Day is healthy diets for a #ZeroHunger World. FAO, a long-term partner of...